I do NOT have a BIBLE
“I am 59 and I do not know anything about the Bible. I do not even have a Bible.” This conversation didn’t take place in a foreign country. No, it was at a Women with Purpose luncheon in Raleigh, NC. I happened to sit across from a woman whom I remembered from a brief introduction when a friend brought her to the first Women with Purpose luncheon several months prior. I was just asking questions to get to know her and…
Read More of I do NOT have a BIBLEGrace Like Manna
I learned an unforgettable lesson about grace on a beach. It was the summer of 1986, and I was on a summer missions project in North Myrtle Beach. About halfway through the summer, a strange and amazing thing happened in…
Read More of Grace Like MannaA Mantra for Life
In the summer of 1994, I developed a fear of flying. I know exactly when it was and what caused it. I was with a group flying in from a missions project to Slovakia, and we flew into the Charlotte,…
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