Pursuing Excellence in Ministry
Your work has become dull. You are finding yourself dreading Mondays and looking forward to time off. Maybe you just feel tired and you want a break. Work has become a curse in so many ways. You were meant for…
Read More of Pursuing Excellence in MinistryWhy Be Involved in the Harvest – The Need
Do you think much about why you do the things you do? The way you answer that question has a lot to do with how God has wired you. If you are like me, you only take the time to…
Read More of Why Be Involved in the Harvest – The NeedA Mantra for Life
In the summer of 1994, I developed a fear of flying. I know exactly when it was and what caused it. I was with a group flying in from a missions project to Slovakia, and we flew into the Charlotte,…
Read More of A Mantra for Life